We want to give a huge shout out to all of the incredible nurses, doctors, and medical professionals who are continuing to support our country. We’re proud to highlight a couple of members of the Felix Gray community who have continued to go above and beyond.
“Right now I’m a cardiac travel night shift nurse and am currently working with COVID patients in Chicago. On my days off I’m a workout freak, plus I love to run around the city. When working the night shift, I’m basically staring at a computer screen in the dark all night, which used to give me headaches. But thanks to my Felix Gray glasses, I no longer do! I love my Felix Gray’s and refuse to buy any other Blue Light glasses because they’re cute, stylish, and good quality too.”
“During my day to day, I pre-round my patients, by chart checking their overnight events, evaluating their morning labs and vital signs, and assessing their medication regimen. I then see them in person and conduct my physical exam, and check if my findings affect my plan of care. If I am not on call, I can be out of the hospital by 5pm, but when I’m on call I’ll stay until 9pm waiting for new admissions that need attendance.
I spend a lot of time on the computer and the reduction of Blue Light on my eyes with Felix Gray’s proprietary lens really helps with eye strain and consequent side effects such as headaches and long term damage. Plus, they are esthetically pleasing and I get tons of compliments on them.”
Know an amazing healthcare worker you want to give a shoutout? Email help@felixgray.com to share their story!