How Should Sunglasses Fit: A Complete Guide

Four pairs of Felix Gray sunglasses on a wooden bench

So, you’re on the hunt for the perfect pair of sunglasses. Easy, right? Well, to a point… While picking out a pair of shades can be simple, you’ll first need to know how to find the right fit. Otherwise, you’re never going to be satisfied or find a comfortable pair of everyday sunnies.

Fortunately, in this guide on how sunglasses should fit, we’ll explain how to measure your face and what to consider when you’re looking for your new favorite pair. That way, all you need to do is take down your measurements and head to the shops!

Measuring Your Face For Sunglasses

Before you can find your ideal pair of sunglasses, you’ll first need to measure your face. Not only will this ensure a more comfortable fit, but it will also affect the longevity of your glasses. After all, investing in a well-fitted pair of shades that fit your face shape and dimensions perfectly means that you’ll be motivated to keep them for longer.

So, how exactly do you measure your face? Well, with these easy steps below, of course!

  1. Measure your face width: Using a ruler or soft tape measure, measure the width of your face from one side to the other. You can start from the outer edge of your left temple and pull it across your face to the outer edge of your right temple. Remember to jot this measurement down in millimeters, since that’s how sunglasses are measured!
  2. Check your temple length: Now, measure the length of your temples, which are important for determining the fit of the side arms of the glasses. You can do this by measuring along the curve of your ear, from the temple hinge to the tip of the temple.
  3. Assess the bridge width: The bridge of your nose can affect how the glasses sit on your face. This measurement is the distance between your temples across the bridge of your nose and is essential for determining how comfortable your sunglasses will be to wear for long periods.
  4. Examine the lens height: You don’t want your sunglasses to take over your whole face. Rather, they should complement your natural features! To determine the right lens height, you’ll need to measure the vertical height of your eye from the top of your eyebrow to the bottom of your eye socket or your cheekbone.
  5. Don’t forget the lens width: Next, you’ll want to measure the horizontal width of your eye from the outer to the inner corner. You can double this measurement to get the total lens width for both of your eyes.
  6. Lastly, measure the frame width: If you already own a great pair of sunglasses, then go ahead and measure them to determine the ideal frame size for your face. Make sure to measure from the widest point on one side of the frames to the widest point on the other.

Now that you have your measurements, you can use them as a guide to pick the perfect pair of sunglasses. Ideally, you’re going to want a pair with measurements close to your own to ensure the best fit.

Factors Affecting Sunglasses Fit

Besides the measurements of both your face and frames, there are several factors that go into how sunglasses should fit. These factors are important because they can affect both the comfortability and functionality of your new pair. Some of these factors include:

Face shape

Different face shapes usually require different styles of glasses for the best fit and, of course, aesthetic appeal. Whether you have a round face, square face, or any other face shape, you need to take this into account. Here’s a brief overview of some of the best styles to suit different facial features perfectly:

  • Oval face shape: The oval shape with a rounded chin is the most versatile; most frame shapes suit these faces.
  • Round face shape: Narrow or angular frames like these Roebling glasses fit round faces perfectly, helping to elongate the face.
  • Square face shape: Oval or round frames soften the harsher angles of a square face shape.
  • Long face shape: Bigger frame sizes or rounded frames can help to widen the face shape.
  • Heart-shaped face: Heart-shaped faces have wider foreheads, so frames with wider bottoms can help balance this out.
  • Diamond-shaped face: Diamond-shaped faces have sharper features that can be complemented with rectangular, cat-eye, or oval frame shapes.

Frame shape and size

Sunglasses come in various sizes, of course – small, medium, and large. They also come in several shapes that can impact how small or large they appear on your face.

Sunglasses’ size is just as important as anything else, though, since it can affect how the sunglasses fit (and if they fit well).

Frames that are too small can cause pinching on your temples or the bridge of your nose, meaning they won’t be comfortable for everyday use. On the other hand, frames that are too big are likely to fall or slide down the nose bridge, which can – at the very least – be uncomfortable and annoying when you keep having to adjust them.

Frame material

The type of material your glasses use is essential for their fit, durability, and flexibility. But why does this matter? Well, you always want to match up the type of eyeglasses you’re using to the best material for the job.

For example, an everyday pair of sunglasses could be made out of almost any material. However, if you’re looking for sunglasses for a specific purpose, such as driving sunglasses, then materials like metal may not be the best choice. This is because they may be prone to overheating if they’re left in the hot car.

Instead, picking a pair like the Nash glasses from Felix Gray may be more helpful. Plus, they come in different color variations to suit your personal style. We’d highly recommend the Whiskey Tortoise to give your glasses some unique flair!

Hinge flexibility

There’s nothing worse than having a stiff pair of sunglasses on your face. It can feel like you’re restricted and can’t move your face naturally, making them unbearably uncomfortable.

When it comes to sunglasses, the flexibility of the hinge allows them to adapt to your face shape and movements. Of course, this will help them to be more comfortable as you wear them. The more they can move with your face, the more freedom you’ll have to express yourself as you usually would. So, try to avoid rigid hinges if you can.


Although it may not seem like an important factor, the weight of your sunglasses can also affect how well they fit. This is particularly true when you’re planning on wearing them for longer periods. If you’re using your glasses for shorter periods, however, such as using them to block blue light when using your devices, then this may not be a major concern.

Generally, lightweight frames are more comfortable and put less strain on your nose bridge and ears. Still, they shouldn’t be so light that the frames are flimsy. Otherwise, it can affect how durable they are!


Do sunglasses come in different sizes, or is it one-size-fits-all?

Sunglasses come in different shapes and sizes to suit different face shapes. Generally, frames are measured in millimeters, focusing on lens width, bridge width, and temple length. They’re also available in small, medium, and large sizes with slight variations in lens width that usually ranges between 47 mm and 62 mm.

If you come across a pair of sunglasses that claim to be one-size-fits-all, it’s important to test them and assess their fit on your face. If there is any pinching or the glasses don’t fit correctly, it may be a better idea to find a pair of sunglasses that you can measure or customize for the correct fit.

Are there specific sunglass styles for different face shapes?

Despite what some people may believe, there are absolutely specific sunglasses frame styles that are recommended for different face shapes. The first step to figuring out which style will suit your face is understanding how your features form your overall face shape.

Although we’ve covered some of the most common shapes above, if you’re still unsure about what your face shape is, go in for a sunglasses fitting and get advice from the experts!

What is the best frame material for sunglasses?

Picking out a new pair of sunglasses isn’t as simple as only finding the right shape. The material is equally important, since it can affect how comfortably your new shades fit. Of course, there are also different materials that are best for certain activities, such as durable plastic sunglasses for golfing.

Typically, you’ll need to take your personal style and preferences into account when picking out the material. It will also depend on factors like durability and flexibility. Still, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to material. It’s best to try out different materials to see which one suits you best.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – the answer to your question: How should sunglasses fit? Plus, advice on how to find the most amazing pair you’ve ever had. With this know-how on how to shop for sunglasses, you’re guaranteed to find a pair that will fit you like a glove.

Just remember: the best pair of sunnies not only looks great but is comfortable to wear. So don’t compromise! Your perfect fit is just waiting to be found.