Coupon Code
Coupon Code
Does Felix Gray offer promo codes?
At Felix Gray we don't regularly offer discounts, and if we do it's for a very special event and we will clearly message the offer on our website. A lot goes into making our glasses, and we use the best materials available giving you the highest optical clarity and the most effective Blue Light filtering lens. On top of that, we set our lenses in beautiful Mazzucchelli acetate and German engineered metal frames (which historically cost hundreds of dollars). Because of that, we rarely offer discounts. We occasionally provide special offers exclusively to our email subscribers, so be sure to sign up here to receive those announcements.
Other brands offer discount codes, why doesn’t Felix Gray?
A lot of companies markup their products, which allows them to offer coupon codes. Unlike other eyewear brands our glasses are always on sale—that’s the benefit of our direct to consumer model. Because we control our supply chain end to end, we’re able to pass the savings of our premium eyewear back to you.
Interested in a bulk order for you and a group?
While we don’t offer coupon codes for individual purchases, we are happy to provide a discount for group purchases of 15 or more. Feel free to send our Customer Experience Team an email at [email protected] to find out more information.