You can use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars on most Felix Gray glasses as long as your FSA or HSA card is affiliated with a major credit card. We encourage you to confirm that your provider covers Blue Light blocking glasses and check if there is a minimum magnification required for reimbursement. You can find a detailed invoice receipt if you log into your account, click on the order number, and click the ‘Invoice’ button.
1. Fill out a health insurer specific claim form
2. Print your detailed invoice receipt and include with the claim form
You can find your detailed invoice receipt by logging into your Felix Gray account, clicking on the relevant order number, and clicking the "Invoice" button. The frame and lens costs will appear separately.
3. Submit the claim form and receipt
Submit the claim form either by sending via email, mailing to the insurer address, or using the fax number provided.
4. Get your money back
After submitting the claim, it typically takes 2 - 3 weeks to be reimbursed.
5. The proper work station
It's important that your computer is set up at the proper work distance. You should be sitting in a good chair or using a standing desk. High-resolution monitors help us avoid squinting, as does proper lighting. Keep in mind that if everything else around in your environment is dark, then you may only further strain your eyes!
Send to: Vision Service Plan
ATTN: Claims Department
P.O. Box 385018
Birmingham, AL 35238-5018
Send to: Humana Vision Care Plan
ATTN: OON Claims
P.O. Box 14311
Lexington, KY 40512-4311
Send to: UnitedHealthcare Vision
ATTN: Claims Departments
P.O. Box 30978
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Fax: (248) 733-6060
Send to: Blue View Vision
ATTN: OON Claims
P.O. Box 8504
Mason, OH 45040-7111
Send to: Cigna Vision
P.O. Box 385018
Birmingham, AL 35238-5018
Send to: UnitedHealthcare
P.O. Box 740800
Atlanta, GA 30374-0800
Send to: First American Administrators
ATTN: OON Claims Department
P.O. Box 8504
Mason, OH 45040-7111
NVA: National Vision Administrators
Send to: National Vision Administrators, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 2187
Clifton, New Jersey, 07015
Send to: Aetna Vision
ATTN: OON Claims
P.O. Box 981106
El Paso, TX 79998-1106
VBA: Vision Benefits of America
Send to: VBA
400 Lydia Street, Suite 300
Carnagie, PA 15106
Fax: 412-881-4898
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