7 Easy Eye Exercises to Improve Vision

Image of man leaning head back against a wall with eyes closed

Eye exercises for double vision, nearsightedness, and farsightedness are often brought up, but can you train your eyes to see better? The answer is far from straightforward because everyone’s eyes are different. Here’s what you need to know about eye training and whether eye strengthening exercises work for everyone.

Can You Train Your Eyes to See Better?

There’s little evidence to show that eye exercises to improve vision can correct most common ocular conditions, but there are benefits to performing eye exercises. (Please note that if your vision is already poor, the best thing you can do is visit an optician for an eye examination.) Eye stretches can reduce eyestrain and prevent problems from arising in the future. Better eye health starts with taking proactive action, which includes wearing Blue Light glasses during screen time, taking eye health supplements, and eating a healthy diet to give your eyes all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

While performing eye exercises to improve vision won’t miraculously give you perfect vision, they’re well worth it to prevent putting too much strain on your eyes.

7 Eye Exercises to Improve Vision

Eye exercises help to optimize your visual skills. A vision therapy exercise is an excellent type of physical therapy for aligning your vision and allowing your eyes to focus. Let’s take a look at the best exercises to improve eyesight that you can do at home.

1.    Palming

Relax the muscles around the eyes to reduce fatigue. Warm your hands up by rubbing them together. Close your eyes and place the palm of each hand over your cheekbone. Cup your hand over each eye and take deep breaths for five minutes. This will relax the muscles and make your eyes feel rejuvenated.

2.    Blinking

When staring at digital devices, the average human’s blink rate slows down. Restore the tear film by making a conscious effort to blink throughout the day. You can also intersperse your blinking by closing your eyes for a couple of seconds and opening them again to stimulate the oil glands.

3.    Pencil Push-Ups

The purpose of these vision improvement exercises is to train the eyes to converge when looking at something close to you. Take a pencil and hold it at arm’s length. Focus on the top of the pencil. If there are any letters, focus on them until they’re legible. Gradually move the pencil toward your nose while keeping your focus on those letters. You can use any item with something to focus on. Repeat these eye exercises several times a day.

4.    Near and Far Focus

Keep your ocular focusing systems on point by engaging and relaxing them. Pick an object far away and stare at it for 10-15 seconds. Then choose an object closer to you and repeat. Do this multiple times a day, particularly if you’re starting a screen for long periods. It’s also best to invest in Blue Light glasses to avoid Digital Eye Strain.

5.    Figure Eight

Keeping track of moving objects can be problematic for some people. Practice some figure eights. Just pick a spot on the wall or floor and trace a figure eight with your vision. Continue for at least 30 seconds before reversing direction. Repeat a few times as needed.

6.    20-20-20 Exercises

Stop your focusing system from getting fatigued with these eye stretches. For every 20 minutes of near work, stare at something far away for 20 seconds. It also applies vice-versa. Get into the habit of giving your eyes regular breaks in this way.

7.    Brock String

This vision therapy exercise was developed by Frederick Brock of Switzerland. A Brock String has a loop at either end and three beads. Tie the string around a doorknob. The beads should be interspersed at intervals, with the closest being six inches from your nose. Hold the string under your nostrils. There are several vision improvement exercises developed by Brock, which can be easily found online.

Up-close image of an open eye

Bonus Tips for Preserving Your Vision

Alongside eye exercises, there are other things you can do to keep your eyes in good health. Here are some of the other tips you need to follow:

  • Schedule an annual eye exam
  • Choose the right glasses for your prescription
  • Avoid smoking
  • Know your family history as many eye diseases are genetic
  • Wear sunglasses in bright conditions to prevent UV ray damage
  • Eat a healthy diet full of antioxidants and vitamins, such as Vitamin A


It’s possible to preserve your vision and treat many visual alignments and focus issues simply by performing daily eye exercises. The best course of action is to make sure you purchase a pair of high-quality glasses after a comprehensive eye exam. From prescription to non-prescription glasses, Felix Gray has an array of stylish, smart glasses for every face and every occasion. For glasses that work as hard as you, shop the Felix Gray collection today.